Copyright Statement

Original material on this web site is owned by The Christine M. Kleinert Institute. Other content is in the public domain, or it is used with permission of the original owner and identified as such. If you identify material that is not consistent with the above policy, please let us know so that we may investigate.

CMKI-owned material on this web site may not be used without specific permission of CMKI, with the following exception:

Material that is copyrighted by CMKI may be used by not-for-profit organizations for educational purposes, so long as the material is attributed to CMKI and a link to CMKI’s web site is legibly displayed with the material.

The Institute may restrict specific CMKI-copyrighted content on the request of the material’s contributor. CMKI cannot give permission for use of material that CMKI does not own but is using with permission unless the owner specifically allows the privilege of use. If specific permission is needed, this must be obtained from the actual copyright owner.

Current listing of proscribed material for educational purposes by not-for-profit organizations: None.


Linking and Framing

For other web sites that wish to use CMKI website content, our current policy is to allow unlimited linking to our site, including deep linking. However, even though we do not plan on major revisions, there is always the possibility of architectural change, rendering the links invalid. We do reserve the right to request unlinking if we consider that the use of our content on another site is inappropriate.

Current CMKI policy is to avoid framing or inlining to other web sites without specific permission and attribution, but to include links–including deep links. We will remove a link if specifically requested by the webmaster of the linked site, or the legal owner of the site.

We further allow not-for-profit users to use material for either framing or inlining, as long as all the material displayed is copyrighted by CMKI as long as the material is attributed to CMKI, the copyright notice displayed, and a text link to our home page ( is legibly displayed with the material. For profit groups should contact CMKI prior to framing or inlining content.

In the case where the copyright is not owned by CMKI, but being used by CMKI with permission, permission for framing or inlining should be obtained from the copyright owner. Linking and deep linking are still permitted, unless specifically proscribed by the copyright holder, and listed below.

Current listing of proscribed material for linking or deep linking: None.