We are proud of what we have accomplished. But we are far from satisfied. And we need your help.
Research and medical education are very expensive. Health care reform has meant that dollars are scarce. Keep in mind that many of the innovative procedures we perform are so new that they are not covered by insurance. As such we bear the brunt of the financial load, because we don’t turn people away.
Each year we turn down deserving young surgeons from all over the world because we simply don’t have the funds to train all of the applicants who are seeking education in hand surgery. With the availability of endowed fellowships, you could help us say YES more often.
We have so much important work to do. We would like you to join us and be a part of our mission. We ask that you partner with us. With your financial help and support, amazing things will happen.
You can make a difference – Donate Now »
See where your generous hands will make a difference.