2015 CMKI Hand-On Award Dinner

Posted by on Apr 14, 2015 in CMKI in the News, In the News | 0 comments

The CMKI would like to thank everyone who attended and supported our 2015 Hands-On Award Dinner, honoring Kosair Charities.

IMG_5653 IMG_5720 IMG_5789 IMG_5798 IMG_5806 IMG_5817 IMG_5820 IMG_5781 CMKIHandsOnAwardDinnerBW.JPG06-M IMG_5741 "Julie,Michael and James Kleinert. " "2015 CMKI Hand-On Award Dinner." IMG_5655 Photo Apr 02, 4 10 36 PM IMG_5769 IMG_5764 IMG_5748 IMG_5736 IMG_5718 IMG_5716

IMG_5809IMG_5795IMG_5779IMG_5650"Doug and Annette Sweeney, event emcee Susan Sweeney Crum. "IMG_5654IMG_5660IMG_5670IMG_5661IMG_5659IMG_5671IMG_5692

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